21. November 2019
Save the date: IDT 2022 in Vienna
In 2022, after 17 years, the IDT (Internationale Tagung für Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache)…
The 5th International German Teachers’ Conference was held in Ho-Chi-Minh-City, Vietnam, from 10th to 13th October under the motto “Sustainable development and quality assurance”.
More than 100 participants from 12 nations and 4 contintents attended the conference to make new contacts, share experiences and listen to presentations from peers on topics like mobile learning and digital media. At the ÖSD stand materials for exam preparation were highly demanded.
The highlight of the framework programme was an evening cruise on the river including traditional music and dance, Vietnamese food and a spectacular view of the skyline at night. Our conclusion: We’ll gladly return for the next conference.