
What we stand for...



Green ÖSD


“Through our range of state-approved German exams, continuous innovation and process optimization, we aim to maximize the satisfaction of our customers and partners and contribute to the promotion of the German language and culture worldwide.”


Our vision:

• We want to help people gain access to new educational and professional opportunities through the acquisition of the ÖSD certificate.

• By continuously innovating and improving our procedures and offerings of state-approved German exams, we aim to maximize the satisfaction of our customers and partners and contribute to the promotion of the German language and culture worldwide.

• We want to help create a world where language serves as a bridge to connect people and cultures. We believe in a globalized society where language skills not only enable communication, but also promote understanding, respect, and collaboration.


  • Excellence:: We strive for the highest quality in everything we do.
  • Innovation: We rely on innovative approaches to continuously improve our testing and services.
  • Reliability: Our commitment to fairness and objectivity makes us a trusted partner.
  • Diversity: We value cultural diversity and promote inclusive educational opportunities.


Kompetenz/Competence: We strive to act as competently as possible in all areas within our organization, which is why we rely heavily on the different competencies of our employees. This is the only way we can guarantee the highest quality in the entire process of preparing and conducting the examinations.

Loyalität/Loyalty: This value represents the trust, commitment, and strong cohesion within our organization. Loyalty also manifests itself in an open and supportive work environment. The staff of the ÖSD work together as a team, support each other, and share their knowledge and experience. This leads to an atmosphere of trust and mutual respect.

Eigenverantwortung/Personal responsibility: Work should always be fun and fulfilling, everyone should feel comfortable in the ÖSD, find their place and be able to experience themselves as a valuable part of the big picture.

However, fulfillment in the workplace and a positive working atmosphere largely depends on the extent to which you are willing to take responsibility yourself, instead of just relying on others or blaming others – colleagues, superiors, customers – for your own misfortune or failures at work. As the old saying goes: “Everyone is the architect of his or her own fortune!”

Self-reliant action has a lot to do with personal maturity, attitude, self-reflection, self-confidence and self-assessment and also includes the conscious, voluntarily and independently chosen, active dedication and commitment to our organization, our goals and mission.

Offenheit/Openness: Openness is a cornerstone of the corporate culture at the Österreichisches Sprachdiplom Deutsch (ÖSD) and aims above all at openness to new things.

Under the banner of climate protection...

Our mission is also to assume our responsibility for climate protection.

Green ÖSD